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Baby boomers
Five baby boomer couples each have one child.
Each child is a different age than any of the other children.
Each child has a favorite toy which is different from any of the other children's favorite toys.
Each family eats at only one fast food restaurant.
No two women have the same name and no two men have the same name.
The children's names are not known.

The child who plays with trains is the youngest.
Bill's child plays with GI Joe.
Julie's child likes Pokeman.
Mike's family eats at Taco Bell.
The family of the 4 year old likes Kentucky Fried Chicken.
The oldest child is four years older than Marie's child.
The child who plays with Barbie is 8 years old.
The child with the age is in the middle, has a mother named Marie.
The child in the family that eats at McDonalds has a two year age difference with Larry's child.
Carol is the mother in the family that eats at Dairy Queen.
The child that plays Nintendo likes Burger King.
Steve's child is two years apart in age from the child of the family that eats at Kentucky Fried Chicken.
The child that plays with trains is two years apart from the 6 year old.
The child that eats at McDonalds is two years older or younger than Regina's child.
Lisa's child is 10.

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