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Couple Become Golfers
A husband and wife decided to take up golfing. However, both were to embarrassed to take lessons together, afraid of making a fool of themselves in front of the other, so it was decided that the husband would take his lessons first. On his first day of lessons, the husband learned how to hold the club and swing properly. His instructor told him to tee up and hit the ball after about 30 minutes of instruction and practice swings. He did as instructed, but only hit the ball about 25 feet. The instructor said, "That was OK but you can do better. This time, I want you hold that club as if it's your wife's breast." The husband did and he hit the ball about 125 yards. The instructor said, "That's great! That'll be it for today." The husband was excited and hurried home to tell his wife. That excited her so she decided to go the next day. Again the instructor had her tee up after about 30 minutes of instruction and practice swings. The wife teed up, swung and the ball only went about 10 feet. The instructor said "That was OK , but you can do better. This time, I want you to think of how you hold your husband's cock, and swing at the ball." She did and swung and the ball only went about 20 feet this time. The instructor said, "That was better, but this time I want You to take the club out of your mouth and use your hands."

Source: Unkown

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