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Don't need a Porsche
There once was a horse and a chicken that were really good friends. One day while walking throught the swamp the horse fell into a huge mud puddle. Unable to get out, he asked the chicken to go and get the farmer before he sank to the bottom.

The chicken raced to the farm but couldn't find the farmer anywhere. So, he jumped into the farmers new Porsche and raced back to the puddle. He tied a rope to the bumper and threw the other end to the horse and pulled him out.

The horse was very greatful and said he would repay him one day.

Not long after that the two were walking through the woods again and the chicken fell into a mud puddle. Panicing he screamed for the horse to help him.

The horse straddled the puddle and lowered his cock for the chicken to grab and then pulled him out to safety.

The moral of this story: If you are built like a horse, you don't need a Porsche to pick up chicks.

Source: Unkown

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