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Funny Quotes From South Park
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CARTMAN: Dolphins, eskimos, who cares? It's all a bunch of tree hugging hippie crap.


CARTMAN: Screw you, hippie.


CARTMAN: How are all my little friends, with their little dreams?


CARTMAN: I'll roshambo you for it.


CARTMAN: 'Ten dollar! Eight dollar! You give me eight dollar, soldier boy! Sucky, sucky, five dollar!' (as Ming Lee)


CARTMAN: I learned somethin' today. This country was founded by some of the smartest thinkers the world has ever seen. And they knew one thing: that a truly great country can go to war, and at the same time, act like it doesn't want to. You people who are for the war, you need the protesters. Because they make the country look like it's made of sane, caring individuals. And you people who are anti-war, you need these flag-wavers, because, if our whole country was made up of nothing but soft pussy protesters, we'd get taken down in a second. That's why the founding fathers decided we should have both. It's called 'having your cake and eating it too'.


Principal Victoria: Watch the video Eric.
Narrator: Adolph Hitler was a very, very naughty man.
Hitler: Schnell ach. Lovental bros lieben. And I menschen vergen broder. Doktor Schtella, alarm, menschen…
Cartman: Lieben est verboten, a es scriben uts, ka liederhosen, …God damnit!
Puffy the Bear: So remember kids, dressing up like Hitler in school, isn't cool.
Principal Victoria: Now, do you have any questions?
Cartman: Could I see that again, that was kewl.


Mr. Garrison: Tolerant, but not stupid! Look, just because you have to tolerate something doesn't mean you have to approve of it! ...'Tolerate' means you're just putting up with it! You tolerate a crying child sitting next to you on the airplane or, or you tolerate a bad cold. It can still piss you off!
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