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Funny Quotes From Everybody Loves Raymond
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Debra: And at the party, she showed them to me.
Frank: What?!
Robert: When?
Frank: She just showed them to you?
Robert: Shirt on or off?
Frank: With the brassiere?
Robert: What were you wearing?
Ray (to Debra): All valid questions.
Debra: It's just a boob job. Jeez, what's the big friggin' deal? How old are you?
Ray: She touched 'em.
Frank and Robert: Oh! Ohhh!
Debra: Oh, baloney! All I had to do was stuff a couple of socks in there and you're hyperventilating!
Ray: Well, you're walking around all (he flits around with socks as his big boobs)... huh?
Debra: I didn't. I didn't do that.
Ray: Well, what did you do? Seems to me you went to a lot of trouble just to get me to admit that I like breasts.
Debra: BIG breasts!
Ray: Yeah! Yeah, okay! And a nice butt, too! Huh? I'm sick!


Ray: I do love your body the way it is.
Debra: Oh bologna! All I had to do was stuff a couple of socks in there and you're hyperventilating!


Marie: Well I think it's sad when people start having surgery to make themselves bigger.
Frank: Marie did it the natural way... pound cake.
(Marie glares at Frank)
Debra: I agree with Marie, I think a boob job is a totally stupid procedure.
Robert: But fantastic when done properly.


Frank: Marie, sun's up, plate's empty. Where are my eggs?


Debra: Why would you want to hear me complain about Ray?
Robert: Perhaps we haven't met. I'm Robert Barone.


Frank: When are you going to learn Ray? You can't talk sports with the wife.


Debra: Why did you tell me it was only once a year?
Marie: Because this whole topic is improper! What we do in our bedroom is our own business, and I prefer not to be known as the Whore of Lynbrook.
Frank: We can move from Lynbrook.


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